Los Angeles, CA-September
3, 2002
What a treat it was to go perform for my first time at the Snowbird
Jazz Festival in Utah at the end of July 2002. I had never been there
Jack Wood kept telling me what a great gig it was, and after I got
there, I certainly saw why. Of course the most important thing to me at
any gig is
the piano and the sound system and people running it. I was thrilled
to see a 9 foot Steinway on stage-the same one I got to play on at the
Salt Lake
City Festival.
Above left: Snowbird Jazz Fest Logo. Click to go there. Above:
I was lucky to have Matt Larsen and Jazz Lawrence in the trio.
I played only the piano on this gig, and it was a real treat. I did
all straight ahead music, including "Georgia On My Mind," "The Song Is
"Body and Soul," and "Plus Three." The sound and piano were
perfect! That accounts for my big smile in the pict on the top of this
The promoter of this festival, Larry Jackstein wrote me the coolest
recommendation letter after he saw me play. Click here
to read the letter.
Also, the Deseret News covered the event and said some great things
about Miki Rhyne and myself, including that we stole the show! WOOHOO.
Click here
read the review of the show.
Performing with Miki Rhyne and my trio is starting to be one
of my favorite
things to do. She is such a talented singer and really uses her voice
well. We are performing September 5 at Kikuya and I do hope you can
We will also be at the Westin Hotel Jazz Thursday Night
Series in November, so check the gig schedule for details as we get
closer to the date!
All the best,
Rob Mullins