Dear Friends and Fans:
First of all, I want to thank you for all your letters of concern over the past couple of weeks.
The music business never ceases to amaze are either sitting around twiddling your thumbs, or
so swamped with work that people think you have died and fallen off the face of the planet. The latter is the case with me
and my life over the past couple of months. It seems that I just looked up, and January and February had
At any rate, its March now, and here's a glimpse into what's been going on over here.
On the day of my parent's 50th wedding anniversary (February 19), my budget proposal to do my new CD was approved
by my investment team. The CD was to be recorded on March 1, as I had already been asked to do
an hour TV special by the nice people over at Saddleback College on that day.
This turned out to be a blessing and a curse.
Putting a project together of that scope in ten days time proved to be an enormous task. Not
only did I have to organize and compose enough music for ten new songs to make up the material for the CD,
but to meet the needs of the investors, I had to set forth in writing the entire plan down to the very last
detail before I was able to get the money to do the recording. I also had to do three rehearsals with the band
prior to the recording date, arrange for an audio recording team, hire a monitor guy to do the sound onstage
for the band, plan out an hour video shoot, and figure out how to get a piano into the space.
I hired Tina Evans as project co-ordinator for this, and I certainly would be in a hospital somewhere
without her help over the past couple of weeks.
Talk about blessings and curses, while I was in the process of getting all of this together, I got called
to do two episodes of "Sister Sister", the WB show. Cranking out one episode is usually a three day job, and
during the ten days between February 19 and March 1, I managed to get two of them done while putting things
together for my new CD. I also did the regular Friday's at Kikuya, and the Wednesday Barfly gig in Hollywood.
I think you are probably starting to see why I'm been unavailable for comment as of late (smiles).
Also during this time, I've been organizing a trip to the Pacific Rim, and I'm doing a short tour there this month.
At any rate, the CD recording went well, and the first step of the process is done. To follow are overdubs,
mixdown, mastering, artwork layout and design, promotion, release parties and the like. I'll keep you posted, or Laura will
as to further information. Or you can send us an email requesting NEW CD Information in the subject line, and
we will be sure to add you to that mailing list.
This past Tuesday was my debut on Brandy's sitcom, "Moesha". I was thrilled to see that I was in
11 minutes of the 21 minutes of the show. I will be scanning and uploading some vidcaps from
the show when I get time (yes, she's REALLY cuter in person you guys that have been asking). I was bummed
that the scene where she falls into my lap at the piano was not in the final cut though. Thank you all for your letters and support on this, I'll let
you know about further Brandy news as time goes on.
Other recent happenings include getting called to do a recording session with PUFF DADDY (I couldn't do it on two hours notice),
getting asked to tour with Jennifer Love Hewitt in April (don't know if I'll do it yet), and getting asked to arrange, write,
and play on Tia and Tamera's (the Sister Sister stars) new CD project (started that today while getting ready for the Pac Rim
It was a joy to check the charts about a week ago and see that my two songs on other artists are still in the top 20 on
the Smooth Jazz charts for four months now........I am now working on lyrics for "Here in My Heart" to send to Lee Ann Rhymes.
Also in February, I had the pleasure of doing four nights with Hubert Laws at the Jazz Bakery in LA. Ronnie Laws, Hubert's
younger brother, stopped by, and David Budway flew out from New York for the gig as well.
I have a bunch of great photos from that gig that Tina shot I will scan and upload when I have time.
Well, that's most the news for now. I haven't even had time to tell Laura about what all is going on,
so it will probably be a few weeks before we get the regular mailing list out.
Thanks again for your patience and support, I think I may be able to resume normal life sometime around April 1.
Take care, and be cool folks:)
Rob Mullins