Here's an you know of a person who is
adamant about their diet? There is probably at least one person that you
know in your family, at work, or at school, that is a very adamant vegetarian.
How about the person who just hates smoking so much,
its all they can talk about? Or the person who only does one kind of social
activity, and ignores all the other possibilities?
These are examples of people who are out of balance.
Now before you go off thinking how stupid I am in criticizing
a person for having a vegetarian diet, think about this: could it be possible
that some meat in a person's diet is healthy? People have survived on a
combination of meat as well as vegetables for centuries, and many still
do. What I'm talking about her is those who OBSESS with a particular thing,
or idea. I would be out of balance, for example, if all I did today was
write about balance. You would be out of balance today if all you did was
stay on the web. Your friends would be out of balance if they did only
one social activity. I'm sure you are seeing what I am getting at here-
that the concept of BALANCE is staying focused between activities, and
modes of thought and action so as to lead a positive life.
Balance is a curious phenomenon in regards to the age
of the person using its concept. Its natural for young people to be out
of balance, as part of being young is finding balance. Its natural for
old people to be out of balance, as older people are less open to new ideas,
and have established often narrow behaviour patterns over the years. Correcting
this is simple: young people need to be made aware of the concept ,and
to put it to use. Old people need to try new things that are within their
physical and mental health parameters in order to continue being inspired
to live.
A Christian person who is not tolerant of other cultures
and their ideas is out of balance. A teacher who puts down their students
for not thinking exactly as they do is out of balance. A parent who shuts
down their child just because they are tired is out of balance. A music
critic who doesn't tolerate all kinds of music as valid is out of balance.
Our taxation system in America is out of balance. People who watch more
tv than they walk are out of balance. People who talk more than they think
are out of balance. People who think and never say anything are out of
balance. People who eat the same thing every night are out of balance (unless
under doctor's orders). Its a simple concept, but one worth considering.
Try writing down all of the activities that you do in the course of one
week on planet earth, and write down how much time you do each particular
thing. I'm sure you will find one or two areas at least where you are out
of balance. It may be your thinking. It may be your sleep patterns. It
may be your family. It may be your work. It may be your relationship.
Whatever it is, the solution is a simple one-bring back
the balance to the situation by doing something to counterbalance your
situation. You may not be getting enough exercise. Change your habits,
and start a balanced exercise program. If you do an unbalanced program,
you will hurt yourself. Apply the principle of balance to all areas of
your life, and watch your happiness level grow, it works!
In my own experience, the most unhappy times of my life
were when I was majorly out of balance in some area of my life.
Oftentimes, people have unbalanced personalities. Examples
of this would be the person who has only one topic of conversation, a musician
who can only play one style, a teacher who knows nothing outside their
field, or a parent without more than one conflict resolution technique.
Use your mind and you can think of ways to resolve this problem for all
of the four examples mentioned above without much difficulty.
Its important to remember than balance works on a lot
of levels. Take an artist or athlete mentality. Most artists are out of
personal balance, which is how they create their art-by overfocusing on
their own unique perspective. Most professional atheletes are out of balance.
Look at the time and focus that it takes to be an Olympic performer for
example. These examples of people out of balance are to be respected to
degree. The balancing solution for them is simple as well: they need to
attain their balance by seeking out other people who balance their obsessive
qualities. World politics are another example. War is a state of countries
being out of balance with each other. Social protest is a form of some
social segment being out of balance in many cases.
Human tendencies are to counterbalance an out of balance
situation with an over-reaction. This is usually a problem as the situation
in question is completely over-compensated for, and often this creates
an even worse situation for a time. It is only with the passage of time
that the over-reactor becomes aware of their own out of balanceness, and
moves back towards the center point which they were trying to achieve in
the first place by their over-reaction.
The concept of balance has many roots in the ancient
Greek concept of "moderation." The greek concept is one of "never too much
of any particular thing", which is much like what I am saying here. Be
honest with yourself. Find your balance. Life will get better. It works.
- Rob Mullins 1999
copyright 1999 rob mullins publishing
all rights reserved