Planetmullins Fall News

can you say STRESS? I knew you could.....
Rob talks about life in L.A. over the summer, his current projects,
and other fun stuff

"Sleep? naw...I'm on the starbux iv..."-rob mullins

Eric! You GO boy!

LOS ANGELES-September 1998

This summer, God blessed me with an extrordinary amount of work. The IRS and the Franchise Tax Board thank him.

Eric Marienthal called from the airport the other day to let me know that the song I wrote for his new cd (the song is called "Here in My Heart") was the number 1 most added song in the nation on jazz radio in its first week of release. The cd is not available in stores yet, but will be officially released Sept 22...........

Speaking of getting hired, Alexandra Paul, former star of Baywatch and current Bally's fitness spokesmodel, has hired me to design her new website....word is it will focus on environmental issues.. (see pict below and to the right).

The recent gigs with Bruce Willis have been a blast...we had 65,000 fans at the Planethollywood opening in Baltimore, and 90,000 in Montreal. The Montreal gig was the first gig we've done where they had a separate room just for the passed out women who couldn't deal with the excitement of hollywood on the road...rofl. Montreal was a pretty cool one, I got to hang out with Sporty Spice a bit, and she guested on our gig.. To be honest, after listening to some tapes of the Accelerators' gigs, I can only describe the sound of the band as the most powerful sheer wall of testosterone I've ever encountered. A lot of people have been asking me about the possibility of us doing some local gigs around L.A....AFAIK, there aren't any planned at the moment, in fact, I don't know when we will be going on tour again thanks to the idiot who decided to blow up the Planethollywood in Capetown in August...I feel lucky that it didn't happen during one of our shows tho. My dad has been forwarding me the doom and gloom re that event from the AP wires, and I've been forwarding those articles to member's of the of the horn players wrote me back after reading one of the articles and said..."So, see you at the Beirut opening?" lmao.... Also, the fact that the new Bruce Willis/Denzel Washington film is about Muslim activities that are not eggzactly portrayed in the best light (according to some) will probably not help the band any for future gigs. I guess we will just have to see what happens............... click here to read the rest



Rob and Sporty Spice

Mel C (Sporty Spice) smiles for the camera backstage in Montreal while Rob looks on.


Rob and other band members smile during the baltimore sound check.

Alexandra Paul, star of Baywatch, feature film, and current Bally's fitness model chooses Rob Mullins as her personal website designer.


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